About Us
Our Mission:
At AwakeNDream, we work with courageous individuals who are ready to transform their lives and themselves!
Going back in time:
Glory Nelson and Sherry Puricelli met in 2004, quickly became friends, participated in – and facilitated dream circles, studied – and taught courses in metaphysics, participated in – and led retreats.
One similarity, among many, stood out. They both lived archetypal themes. They approached their work in the same way, and they saw results! People who participated in their programs saw results too.
What’s different about our approach:
- Noticing synchronicities
- Living archetypal themes
- Paying attention to dreams
- Noticing metaphors
- Embodying the archetypes
- Creating retreats
- Utilizing Ceremony
Together, we developed and fine tuned Transformation Dreaming™, a powerful technique and empowerment program which combines dreams, synchronicities, embodiment, coaching, and ceremony to activate archetypal themes in order to overcome obstacles, reclaim inner power, and live the dream you are destined to live.
Together and separately, we:
- Facilitate Retreats (our specialty)
- Conduct Workshops
- Lead Classes and Seminars
- Provide Individual or Group Sessions
- Officiate Ceremonies
- Provide Readings
We also provide:
- Public Speaking Engagements
- Interviews
- Articles for Journals and Publications
Sherry Puricelli GloryNelson
awakendreamatymail.com Rainorion@hotmail.com
203-779-5635 801-706-2214
Like our page on Facebook and leave a comment introducing yourself and we will enter your name for a chance to win a free session from one of us!!!! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Awake-N-Dream-Coaching-Services/156286117302