No More Waiting
Longing to be With You
Anticipating the forbidden encounter,
I take this opportunity
to carefully open myself up,
exposing my yearning
and my unkept promises,
revealing my vulnerability
at its core.
I’m here, I witness myself saying hesitantly,
I feel a little nervous and unsure,
for it’s been so long since we’ve last met,
I’ve forgotten how to be with you;
But we’re here now,
together at last,
I hear myself whispering,
just little ole me
in the forbidden encounter,
alone with my soul. — Sherry Puricelli
January is our month for Self Care. It sounds so easy. Many of us believe we’re already doing it. But are we really? Ask yourself if you’ve been waiting. No? No “after I help my children with …?,” No “as soon as I finish with …?” No “on my first free day?”
Well, being one of the world’s best (or worst) students in this game of self care, after several failing grades, I believe I’m off to a great start … um, well this time!
Today’s lesson on self care is — NO WAITING!
Do something extremely radical to treat yourself. Today, I’m hanging out with me and we’re treating ourselves to a spa treatment! Ooo Yay! Then I’m having champagne with my husband and then we’re heading out to a restaurant for a nice, romantic dinner. Tomorrow morning? I’m sleeping in, then I’m treating myself to two more spa treatments! Now, that’s radical! Or at least it is for me. Aaahh, together at last!
Wondering how you are doing at self care? What grade would you give yourself?